ED Plate Périgord, 15cm (SALE)|La Rochere
€ 4.90
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The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
Francouzská společnost s dalekou historii, sahající až do roku 1475, kdy gentlemanský sklář Simon de Thysac dostal právo založit sklárnu v "Les Rochiers".
La Rochre nabízí široké spektrum skleněných výrobků, které se vyznačují specifickým způsobem výroby, jedinečným, jednoduchým a krásným designem a vysokou kvalitou.
Společnost La Rochre navíc podléhá předpisům na ochranu životního prostředí, které pokrývají veškeré činnosti na svém výrobním místě.
Kolekce skla Périgord
je rustikální, elegantní a má svůj šarm. Périgord byla inspirována typickými francouzskými stoly z 18. století. Nalejte si červeného vína a usedněte ke stolu plného hořících svící a uděljte si tak trochu jiný, dokonalý, večer. Spojením tohoto skla ve stejné sadě obdarujete někoho blízkého naprosto perfektním dárkem.
€ 4.90
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 5.66
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 6.04
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 6.04
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 6.42
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 6.80
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 6.80
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 7.18
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 7.18
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 7.94
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 8.70
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 8.70
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 18.21
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 30.37
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
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